Jun 10, 2015

James 3:17

Our church is working our way, verse by verse, through the book of James and our pastor is preaching the Word in all its convicting truth.  I mean, PREACHING it.  (Sermon link here for anyone interested.)  I get so pumped up and am scribbling notes like crazy these days. And repeatedly thanking the Lord in the middle of the sermon that we get to be a part of a church filled with believers like the ones we know and study and worship with.  Believers who want the correction and teaching of Scripture and not just the feel-good verses. I love our church family and our pastor and his wife. I am so encouraged in my faith by our community and  growing fellowship at Redeemer Church.

But about James, I have meant to get this verse on our chalkboard to study and practice and memorize (again) with the kids.  I had actually forgotten that its address was in James in fact until Jamie covered it in Sunday's sermon.  Perfect!

So I finally got in gear and added it to our living room and have already had need of it in correcting an attitude of Anna's heart this morning. 

Gonna get a LOT of mileage out of this one ... all of us.

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