Jun 14, 2015

Wrapping Up Spring Ball 2015

Noah's last game Thursday night was a fun one!  His coach was gone to the beach, so Josh and some other dads filled in.  The kids won HUGE - 22 to 8.  Noah was proud of a couple doubles he hit on top of getting on base every time and earning the team 3 runs.  I snapped pictures like it was going out of style - because it kinda is.  Anna wants to try t-ball in the fall and Josh is insistent that Noah will take the season off as a result.  I don't want our schedule overpacked any more than Josh does, but for some reason, it hurts my heart a little to think of Noah having to sit out a season.

Love how he keeps his eye on the plate instead of worrying about where the ball is as he works his way around the bases.

Split-second before connecting with the ball.  You can see it there along the white line coming at him.

Noah on second base out there.  He impressed me with how he'd squeeze another base in after his hits.

I really, really love to take pics of him at bat.   I really, really love the green and red diamond against the deep blue night sky.

Lining up to clap hands with their oppenents after the game.  Noah is there in the middle next to number 5.

And last night was the league's Closing Ceremonies.  With Thursday's big win, Noah's team just barely eeked out a winning season of 8 wins and 7 losses.  :}  Good games, Tigers!!  See ya again in the spring ... unless we can talk Josh into allowing both kiddos to play in the fall ... possibly on the same team if we are lucky!

My sweetie pie waving at the camera there in the middle.

That's Noah receiving his trophy there in the middle from the lady in black and white.

So handsome!

They don't do trophies for fall ball and Noah missed last spring when he took tennis lessons instead, so he was excited to get another trophy to represent his season again. His last one is from Spring 2013.

Josh is glad to see the season wrap up and looking forward to a couple months without practice and game commitments.  For my part, I will miss it.  Baseball has really grown on me in the years since Noah started playing.  Is it wrong to look forward to fall already? :}


Emily said...

I get that...I miss having the girls involved in something sporty too. Lee appreciates the lack of commitment, but I rather enjoyed having the commitment.

Kimberly said...

Will they do soccer again?

Emily said...

Not sure, Brooklyn wants to play basketball. The one sport I never did play growing up. Go figure.

Kimberly said...

With Lee's legs, she really should explore that!