Jun 14, 2015

Finalizing Noah's Room

Since the many room reshuffling/reorganizing we did before the boys came in March, I have posted pics of the new classroom, the new Jonah's Journey bedroom, and our new living room.  All that remains to be unveiled is Noah's new room, which finally met its long-awaited completion this weekend.  So glad to get this done!  The room that is Noah's has morphed so many times before its classroom days in our life.  But it was in early March that we slowly moved a kid back into it for good.  It looked like this once Noah started sleeping in there again.  Boy and bed on the left, classroom remnants in the front and on the right side still.  Nowhere near done.  I hated how unfinished it was.

After s-l-o-w-l-y moving classroom stuff out and selling that corner booth, and in time for company to come that would need access to BOTH sides of the bed, it got to this point.  Bed in the middle of the room. Better, but still not right to my eye.  It was at this point I decided the kid needed a headboard.  The hunt began.

I found him a headboard on GTP this week ($250 Ikea one for $85!) and it really got me back in the bedroom finishing mood.   Josh didn't like the headboard in front of the window so we tried another layout I have been asking him to consider.  He had his doubts that it would work for all their Lego endeavors, but he stands convinced now.  This floorplan actually makes the room feel bigger to us and Josh and the kids LOVE the specific Lego area over by the window.  Even better, I think it will be more conducive to the big passel of kids we have up there on Wednesday nights for community group; it will give them separate areas to land instead of all on top of each other in one spot.  I love how it turned out and Noah does, too.  Take a look!

Anna got jealous of my attention to Noah's bedroom and insisted I take some pics of her room that she proudly announced she'd cleaned up for an upcoming playdate with Luci.


And with that, the Status of the Bedrooms report is complete.  Phew!!


Emily said...

So cute! Very good eye on the bed placement :)

Cindy said...

Love it!

Kimberly said...

Thanks!!! I think this is the BEST it has ever looked. Gets me pumped!