Sep 13, 2014

Three Strikes

Noah soldiered on through his second baseball game of the season this morning after feeling a little iffy from the get go.  He got in two good hits today - yay!  Other than that, however, the day has been a total strike out.

Strike one, diarrhea.
Strike two, fever.

Strike three, vomiting.

He's out!

He's also feeling dizzy.  
I am one more symptom away from freaking out for him.
Pitiful pup. :(


Emily said...

awwwwwwwwwwwweeee!!!! OH my word, that was just painful to see...him laying on the potty :( Break my heart. Hope he feels better!!!!

Emily said...

Though I will admit, you are much braver than me...I literally quarantine my kids to their rooms...with a trashcan of course if they can't make it to the pot...but there's no way I'd like a n/v/d/fever kid be laying their head on MY chair! a haha! Hope he feels better...only thing you need to worry over is keeping the fever down and keeping him hydrated...the rest will run it's course and be over in a day.

Kimberly said...

It's funny because I had just cleaned that toilet ... and moments later the vomiting began. Ha!

I think if our house was one floor, I would rely on his room for when he's sick. It's just so far away from where I am all day. And really, that's JOSH'S chair anyway. :}