Sep 10, 2014

Fall Family Fun Day

Every year around the start of fall our neighborhood has a block party at our park.  It's a fun time to share with friends from the 'hood and this year did not disappoint.  Noah won an egg-and-spoon race, I won a $25 raffle, we all enjoyed free burgers, dogs, popcorn, chips, cookies and cokes, the kids enjoyed the games and bounce house, and - bonus - no one got struck by lightening when the storm blew through. In your face, mother nature!  We all stuck it out and were glad we did.  The storm only cooled things off for us all. Ha!

Anna waited in line for 20 minutes to get her face painted.

Noah spent his time bustin' a move with the deejay and his friends.

Learning to breakdance.

A couple of my favorite people.  Like family!

Photo in front of some big police vehicle.  Noah and his buds call it a tank.

Good time!


Emily said...

How do you all get all this stuff organized? Do you have a HOA in your neighborhood? or do you just all pool money together to get it done.

Kimberly said...

Yeah, I guess it's the HOA that does it. They set out signs leading up to the week. They purchase all the goodies and book the face painter, deejay, and balloon artist. There is even a dunk tank but we missed that part because of the storm. :}