Jun 19, 2014

Tomato Talk

Our garden is growing little by little.  The snap peas are tall and flowering. The cucumbers are spreading out and finally gripping the string and climbing up. The corn is short but growing green.  And the watermelon plants are small but sturdy and hanging in there.  These will all take a little time before they bear fruit.  But our tomatoes?  They have gotten right down to business quickly!

There are a bunch of little green tomatoes in clusters just waiting to ripen.

And there have already been 4-5 ready to be picked this week.  Noah has gobbled them quickly.  

And while we purposefully planted 4, count them FOUR,  plants, we ended up with 7 it seems.

Those three random tomato cages in between Anna's flowers are rogue tomato plants that forced their own way into the world this year all by themselves.  Methinks they are the result of any number of tomatoes that fell to the ground and stayed there last summer. Kinda neat!


Emily said...

Your posts about all your fresh grown produce makes me a little jealous, and inspired all at the same time. Can that happen? :) We're totally gonna have a garden soon.

Kimberly said...

Baby steps - start with just tomatoes. So easy!