Jun 28, 2014

Produce Department

The produce department that is our backyard is branching out from our first tomatoes.  This week we got to enjoy the first samples of snap peas and our first cucumber of the season ... although only that cucumber because Noah picked it too early without asking. : /

And for the record - skinny snap peas and prematurely picked cukes are still just as delicious! :)


Cindy said...

Same thing happened with our cucumbers; Claire got excited when she saw them and picked them too early.

Kimberly said...

Peas in a pod, I tell you. That little produce snatcher also gobbled TEN tomatoes I set out that still needed to ripen. I was looking for them to take a picture for this post and they were already in his belly. :S He has strict orders to hold his horses before he takes any more garden liberties for awhile. :}