Jun 16, 2014

Summer Stuff

As we settle in at home after our trip and company in town, we are also settling in to more low-key summer fun.  

First, the pool is open at last!  Even in the rain. :}

And the hose is getting a lot of action as well.  Ha!


We are now signed up for free bowling all summer 


and, clearly, we need the practice.

Nice, Anna!

Oh, the suspense...

Giving those holes on the bowling ball another chance...

Good try though, Noah!  We have lots of weeks to hone your skills.

Sticking with what she knows.

Soaking up the sun 


 and shade

will be our mode of operation from here on out.

More chalk and water experimenting - chalk paint, maybe?

Three cheers for the rest of summer on cruise control...

and all the downtime in the world for wandering,

for more water,

and for whatever else

strikes our fancy.


Emily said...

amen to that! After our lake trip with mom and dad, we'll be on cruise control for the whole month of July! June was stinking busy!

Kimberly said...

Have fun!