Apr 16, 2014

Taa Daa: Busy Beaver

Josh has been a busy beaver this spring.  I say "busy" because he is cranking out projects and to-do list items one after the other. I say "beaver" because the last three heavy hitters all had to do with wood. 

First, we had a significant chunk of our tree in the back yard come down in a storm.  Josh wasted no time firing up his chainsaw and tackling the break-down and disposal of all that wood.  It's cleared away now and plans are being drawn up to make a bridge from the playground over into that new open spot where the branches used to be.  Ha!

Josh finished up this piece of furniture for Anna's room this weekend.  Anna was quite handy in its construction and painting as well.

And Noah was one happy Lego Chima fan to get to break in Josh's most recent project - a raceway for his speedorz.  I am just tickled that now he won't be wearing out the knees in his jeans crawling back and forth to launch/retrieve his speedorz from the hallway floor he has been using thus far!

So thankful for our handy man and his busy beaver springtime fever!


Amy Faye Brown said...


To brag on my guy, I've recently received...
Under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen
A nice wooden cart for my classroom big books
A PVC frame for my large sorting pocket charts
Railing for the front porch

The long winter seems to have been a great motivator for projects!

Kimberly said...

Nice!! Josh made me a PVC rack for my posters and such for my classroom back in GA. It was good, but not as sturdy once I loaded that bad boy up. :} I wanna see pics of that wooden cart! Reminds me of Josh making me a much coveted kidney table one year. Those things were GOLD when it came to reading groups. :}