Apr 23, 2014

Noah and Tooth #3

I know I still need to post about our Easter weekend, but this just happened and it's all we can think about at the moment.
A Before and After, if you will.
And then a way, way Before just to tug at the heartstrings. ♥

6:00 at dinner, Noah feels a pop in his tooth that's been loose for weeks. At that moment, I knew that sucker wouldn't last the night.  Noah was really tenacious with his first two lost teeth.  Once he could wiggle them with his tongue, it was like he could taste Victory; he wouldn't stop til they came out.  So I made him grin for what I knew would be his last perfect little chicklet teeth smile.  {whimper}

Within the hour, he had done the deed.  Gotta admire his guts.  He just kept yanking it forward during bedtime bible study.  When I heard Anna shrieking, him shouting, and excited scampering down the hallway and stairs, I knew it was done.  I am not too proud to say, I actually let a tear fall as I studied it up close while Noah was rinsing his mouth out. 

Another piece of my baby Noah has fallen by the wayside.  I mean, look!  I can remember that sweet face when that tooth was just poking through.  {whimper transitions to WAIL}

Anyway, back to tonight.  Noah kept remarking at how big the tooth was.  And he was right - it's twice the size of those tiny bottom two that already came out.  And while it's not the first one to fall out of his face, it's special to us still.  That first front-and-center tooth that comes out is really the end of an era.  And what a great era it has been!


Emily said...

wow! His face is about to really grow up now!! It's about time…big guys almost EIGHT years old! Can't wait to see his new "look" when those front teeth come in!!

Emily said...

That boy looks exactly the same …

Kimberly said...
