Feb 12, 2013

New Kitchen Table

I have wanted a decent kitchen table for years.  I mean, YEARS.  Like, since Noah was a baby.  Our kitchen table situation in AL and here in TN has been a long, long story of changes and just 'good enough' fixes to buy us a little more time.  Now that I think about it, before kids we had a pretty worn out table my aunt sold us, too, that wasn't much to look at, but it didn't matter all that much to me then. Anyway, with the boost of sales I have done getting rid of furniture from the guest bedroom, we finally had some cash to put down on a perfect little set once and for all.  Hooray!

And so, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to our new kitchen table set!

Nothing flashy, but nothing crafty or mismatched or crappy looking either.  Plus, it'll do for a long while without any griping out of me, which is probably Josh's favorite feature. :}


Amy Faye Brown said...

Soooo classy! Love it.

(Not that I'm ungrateful, but one day I want something besides hand-me-down furniture or something someone else has chosen. Jeepers! I'm almost 40 don't I get that right?)

Enough about me....love your new piece and happy for you. It's elegant and beautiful.

Kimberly said...

Ooooh, girl. It IS time you splurged and got something just because it caught your eye! Tax return maybe? 21st anniversary gift to yourselves? Do it!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Only the 20th this year. ;)

Kimberly said...

Oh, I know! I was talking about next year in case you said prom dresses and school stuff cost too much money this year. :}

I think y'all doing your 21st as special is just neat.

Emily said...

I really like that table! But I REALLY like the chairs! sooo pretty! I wish we had a new table, but Lee thinks ours just needs refinishing,.... all that to say....I've got envy over your new table :)

Kimberly said...

Trust me, I know that whole "it just need refinishing" concept. It turns into years of not ever refinishing. :} Or refinishing it yourself and then not liking it and having to put up with it for more years. :} Maybe it's just a kitchen tables rite of passage?

Emily said...

Oh I know exactly what you're talking about...Lee wont' do anything as far as a kitchen table because we still have kids that use their forks at dinner to scratch the surface when they get bored. So that's really why we're waiting to try to fix and or buy a new table