Sep 19, 2008

WPTM #4: Guidance

What Parenting Teaches Me #4: Guidance

All our bedrooms are upstairs in this new house, so Noah makes the trek up and down them several times a day... but always with our supervision, so the trips up and down are limited as best we can. And so far, he tends to want to do it on his own. I reach out to offer him my hand and at first he would take it, and then more and more he points to himself and says "me". But then this morning, he insisted on my holding his hand for half of his descent down the stairs and I wondered why today, why now does he decide he needs my help?

And so I took another lesson on how we are toddlers toward the Lord. Sometimes I have the wisdom to stop and recognize that He can see me through something quicker and safer and I choose to accept that guidance. Other times I act on my own impulses, have to have it my own way, insist on my plans/responses without even stopping to receive the loving support that His Word offers. How inconsistent we humans are on a daily basis...just like my sweet toddler baby choosing the hard way one moment, and begging for my help the next.

On another note or 2 or 5 :

1.Only two more rooms to unpack and only Anna's room left to paint...which is weekend job numero UNO!

2. What fun...we got a big new TV today! We have been waiting and planning for this purchase for over a year now, so we are enjoying finally getting there!

3. Oh Lord... I bought a breast pump today. Oh Lord.

4. We have met 4 of our neighbors already. I like it - being in a community. But not the dogs barking somewhere in the night all night. Boo on that.

5. Thanks for the hospital packing tips and lullaby recommendations!


Emily said...

your number 2...I'm jealous
your number 3...made me laugh out loud, which one did you get?
your number'll get used to it...hopefully...we're used to sonic booms now, and loud very loud4 wheelers and motorcycles and mufflers zooming up and down our road. Just part of it...

Bill and Melodie said...

I miss you already and am just waiting to be invited to see the new casa.

I so know about the dogs! Our neighbor's dogs have been waking us and sometimes the girls up every night around 2-3am for the past week. I am so over it.
It was so bad one night, Bill got up at 3am, went to the fridge, took out the 3 day old Lasagna and threw it over the fence, worked for about 10 secs and then I guess they wanted more. Let me know if you find a solution!

Love ya and good luck on that breast pump!

Unknown said...

I love your comparisons of how toddlerish we are in God's eyes. It's so true!

You are one amazing woman. Close on a house and a week later, looks like you've been there for years. Do show pics.

I had to laugh at the breast pump comment. That thing was a saving grace. If you ever have a pumping question...I'm your girl. I won't lie, because the world does to first time mommies, breastfeeding is HELL on earth in the beginning. No one wants to tell you that and the day arrives for you to do it and it's ok and you're feeling pretty good about it and then your milk comes in and you grow 3 cup sizes over night and the pain....the pain. It is then that everyone and their mother is agreeing with you when you're complaining. You want to slap'em for not saying anything before. I know I did. I'm a give to me straight kind of girl:-)

Now there are the select few that never have a single moment of pain and it's pure bliss. I will pray that for you. Because I love you!

Anonymous said...

Love'd your comments! Can't believe you are only a few short days away from little Anna's arrival! How fun! I did indeed feel like a dairy farm with the double barrel breast pump...but I was oh so glad to have one. Nursing definately hurts the first week or two...but stay will only get better and it's such a great bonding experience. The thought will definately come in your mind,
"I should just quit and bottle feed, it'd be so much easier", but definately not as bonding I think. Press on! So excited for you!

Alison said...

Shannon - never fear - we warned Kimberly up and down that breastfeeding is EVIL in the beginning. My turning point was 3 weeks with both the kids, then it was like nothing.

Note to Kimberly: Don't open your pump until you are committed to breastfeeding. You can't return them and you can't resell them - to the trash it would go. I would hate for you to lose the money!

Pictures, please!

When are you coming back down here before delivery?

Unknown said...

Oh gosh! I came here to see if Anna had arrived and I reread my comment about breastfeeding and noticed that there was not one ounce of encouragement in there. So...yes it's painful just in the beginning but it is the most rewarding experience. To give yourself to your baby and to see them grow from it, is so amazing. You bond with your baby when you're pregnant but breastfeeding takes it to a whole new level. Ask anyone that has succeeded with BF and I'm sure they will all tell you that it was worth it. You have a great husband that will support you and that goes along way.

Oh...I'm almost done with the announcement. I can't wait to put Anna's pictures in it. I'll be emailing it to you today or tomorrow.