Sep 12, 2008

Nanny, Nanny, Boo, Boo

Ok you might as well know...I am NOT going to put a picture of my pregnant self on the blog after all. Moan, whine, whimper, ain't gonna happen - because trust me....I am even less photogenic when I am pregnant. And I am very pregnant.

For what it's worth, pictures were attempted, but none were approved by the picture committee...which is me. So sorry. :)

As for where we are today, some updates:

1. Both closings came and went just fine this week. We are now residents of Tennessee!
2. Josh is already in TN fixing up the house for Noah and I to get there Sunday/Monday.
3. Unless I go into labor on my own (which I hope I do) we will induce Anna around Sept. 23-25 here at Huntsville Hospital.
4. I have reached the point of "Alright...time for this kid to come out!" whereas before I thought... "Stay put as long as you like, Anna girl, as long as I don't have to go through labor."
5. My Acadia has had a run of bad luck...first the scratch, then it got dented by the trailer, then we got a ticket in it on the way to closing in TN. Ugh and Boo.
6. I finished The Big Book of Birth and my Laugh and Learn about Childbirth DVD classes. Bring on the baby!

Other than all that jazz, Noah and I are just waiting to get to the new house and settle in before Anna does!


Anonymous said...

Kim...your blogs always make me laugh. (except for the Jake blogs, although, then I did think about Reuben!)

I have indeed been waiting to see prego pictures, but am even more excited to see Anna pictures. So, I can wait a little longer. And by the way...your desire for that beautiful little girl to come out will get even stronger as the days go by. You'll remember the pain a little (well unless you get the epidural first and then the petocin, in which then you'll feel no pain at all! Highly recommended. By the time the petocin kicks in, you'll be completely way to have babies! ) So excited every thing has worked out for you! Perfect timing!

Alison said...

You know that I will have a picture from the shower up with your prego self! You looked cute today - no worries!

Emily said...

good grief girl...who was driving?!
I know you can't WAIT to get to that house and get somewhat settled in! I'm calling you tomorrow ... morning.
I can't wait to meet Anna!