Aug 27, 2008

WPTM #3: Fascination

What Parenting Teaches Me #3: Fascination

I was thinking about all the little things in a day that fascinate Noah, really impress him. Things like watching my hair fly when he blows on it, that echo in the bathroom I wrote about last week, the feeling he gets when he burps, on/off switches....the list goes on and on. The list, to me, is a bunch of overly simple things, but to him these things are genius and hilarious and totally enjoyable and amazing to witness. And I thought - you know what...that is just like I bet it is with God again. We are awestruck by things to which we give him credit, as well we should (miracles, weather events, details in nature, the intricacies of our bodies, changes in people, different people's talents, etc). To us, these many things are incredible and amazing...but I bet from God's perspective it is just child's play compared to what all else he has yet to reveal to us (heaven, spiritual activity around us, the vastness of his goodness and love, the weight and power of his justice, etc) . Don't you think? My point is just that I have been reminded (again) how much bigger God is than I can even imagine. And interestingly enough (I just now thought of this), I am reading Job at the moment, which is a perfect complement to this point. Coincidence, I think not. :)


Alison said...

Very well said, my friend!

sosagtsie said...

That's an awesome thought. Thanks for sharing!

Emily said...

you know that you've caused to me to take notes of these very things these littles kiddos do and how God must see us as well? Well you have. I like your insight.