Aug 19, 2008

Pregnancy Brain

I think I had a brain blip yesterday similar to what I read in pregnancy books is common to pregnant women. Absentminded, forgetful, clumsy type thing.

I waltzed myself right into a men's bathroom! It wasn't until I made eye contact with the man standing at his urinal that I realized I was in the wrong place. Oh Lord, how embarrassing!!

I let out a surprised "Oh!" and hightailed it out and across the way into the women's restroom where I took a LONG, LONG bathroom break so as not to face that man again. And thankfully I did not. But still, so embarrassing!


Unknown said...

I've done that a few times and wasn't pregnant. Once was at a state fair with a lot of men lined up at the urinal. Some women must have been following me because I had a pack of women behind me as I swung that door open and just stood there confused. They all yelled at me. I wanted to hide under a rock. At least you have a good excuse right now. You can blame the oversight on your urgency to evacuate your bladder:-) LOL

Emily said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! now THAT was a funny story! I think I'd have hightailed it to a whole other bathroom area.

The White Family said...

That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while! Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

What a great story! Still laughing.....hahahahahahaha!!!!

Alison said...

Hilarious. Pregnancy Brain will do it to you every time.