Aug 19, 2008

Rude Awakening

I should be a real grump today…I had several rude awakenings this morning, but you should know that I have overcome the impulse to feel sorry for my uncomfortably pregnant and sleep-deprived self. Go ahead…cheer for me now. :)

This is how my morning went starting at the wee early hour of, oh, 12:30 am. Yes, that’s right…just after midnight. (Don’t even get me started on how many bathroom trips I had already made since going to bed to begin with.)

Rude Awakening #1: I, for some unexplainable reason, start coughing and cannot stop. There is a spot in my throat that just will not clear. Good grief. So I drag myself out of bed (which, at 8 months pregnant, hurts in places I won’t name here) only to have to unpack an already packed box to find some Halls throat lozenges. And for those of you who have known me in the past 2 years, you would also know that I have trouble sleeping anyway. I take a Unisom every single night just to get to sleep…Every, Single, Night. And as you would imagine, that pill is not going to still be putting me to sleep at that hour of the morning. So I lay in bed sucking on my nasty throat drop, awake for the next hour. Thankfully, Josh is not snoring at this point. That is another blog post for another day, poor guy.

Next, Rude Awakening #2: Not his fault, I know, but Josh had to get up at 3:30 this morning to make a flight to Utah where he will be for the next 4 days, something I have dreaded for days already. So I am awake in bed the whole time he is showering and getting ready and getting out the door. It doesn’t matter that he is as quiet as a mouse, which, to his credit, he is. It just doesn’t take much to wake me up is all. I lay awake for another half hour or so after he’s gone.

Finally, Rude Awakening # 3, which I will rename Rude-although-precious-Awakening. I hear my baby boy shouting – suddenly, earnestly, desperately – at the top of his 2 year old lungs over and over again. Ok, Ok, I’m awake already – what is wrong with my son?! And then I realize what it is he is shouting. It sounds something like this: “Aaah toe!” pause, “Aaaah toe!” a little louder now, pause, “Aacko!” more like a shriek this time. Ah yes, there it is – ECHO! That boy is trying to recreate an echo in his bedroom. You see yesterday, Noah discovered that our just emptied guest bathroom across from his room makes a loud echo back when he calls into it. He and his daddy did that over and over yesterday. Over and over, I tell you. Which is not at all annoying, only adorable and as enjoyable as ever watching my toddler discover something simple that fascinates him and causes him to giggle and feel so powerful. So anyway, I let Noah beckon an echo in his bedroom for about 15 minutes before I finally made my way into his room. Awake for good, but, more importantly, not grumpy.

Needless to say, I napped while Noah was at Mom’s Morning Out today. I love whoever invented that program.


Emily said...

I know where you were hurting! It doesn't go immediately away after that baby pops out either. You'll feel that pain for a solid 2 weeks or so afterward, but at least you won't be pregnant then!... just tired...oh an exhausted even when your not tired...and sore in places I won't name here as you learn to breastfeed, haha. But after those first 2 weeks, you start to feel like you're starting to feel better. Just call me when you want to vent or cry or whatever afterbirth feeling or question you may have.

And I totally know that whole being awake while your husband gets ready for work. Lee gets up at 4:30 5 days a week, and though he tries to be quiet...he's really not at all (and I wear earplugs!)

But that's just what you deal with when you marry a man! hee hee :)

Tracy and Lynn said...

Cute about the "echo" activity! I can so see Noah doing that over and over, just like he says does when he says "ta ta" meaning wake up! wake up! when I pretend to be asleep. As for the issue you and others have regarding insomnia and not being able to sleep when your husbands get ready for work in the a.m., here is a tried and true solution. Since I am an occasional insomniac and a light sleeper too, ask your husband to take a shower the night before. It's wonderful to feel so relaxed and clean when you go to bed. It makes me sleep better. To get rid of the bed head, in the morning he can stick his head under the sink to wet/wash it down. Also most people have a 2nd bathroom, so have him use that one when he's getting ready. And if they whine that they "need" the shower to wake up, tell him to drink a cup of coffee! My wonderful considerate husband has been doing this for me for 33 years, and it has worked perfectly.

Mom (Tracy)