Jun 14, 2008

Treasuring Toddlerhood

Today was a very big day for Noah. We turned his crib into a toddler bed in order to get one toddler milestone under our belts before the baby comes. There was just no end to Noah's excitement about this change. And he actually stayed in his bed at naptime as if it was still his crib, so we are pretty pumped about that, too. :)

I had Christy, a friend from college, come visit this week, and on one of our days we headed to Bridge Street Town Center. Noah rode the carousel, called to the ducks, violated mannequins, and experienced the water fountain play area with a good bit of caution, but fun, all the same. You are probably wondering what I mean by that mannequin comment...well, just take a look...the boy is obsessed with belly buttons.

Anyway, what follows is my top 20 list of toddler treasure-type-things that I don’t want to forget about Noah’s early toddler days (in no particular order):
1. Streaking proudly through the house naked and giggling just before bathtime.
2. Trying Goldfish crackers for the first time and LOVING them.
3. “Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue” toy car button that gets pressed over and over again.
4. Crying when Elmo’s World is over on Sesame Street.
5. Wanting Blue’s Clues and only Blue’s Clues in his lunch routine.
6. Smushing his cheeks all over my face and making silly sounds all the while.
7. Actually believing his remote control truck really is sleeping just like Daddy told him.
8. Calling bye-bye and blowing kisses at everyone everywhere we go.
9. Instigating a good round of “chase me” as often as possible.
10. Being the worst kind of GRUMPY after his nap in the afternoon.
11. Mastering “Give and Take” agreements. (FIRST do this and THEN you can ….)
12. Saying “no, no, no, no, no” in his bed first thing after waking up.
13. Calling his stuffed animals by the sounds they make. (AhAh, UhUh, Moo, Rawr, Meow)
14. Helping to empty the dishwasher one utensil/plate/cup at a time.
15. Being the sweetest blend of baby and boy all in the same day.
16. Reciting all the names of the people who love him when he is going to sleep at night.
17. Blinking his eyes to pray while he grins and murmurs word-like sounds.
18. Repeating words with the right syllables, but nothing like the sounds you said. (i.e. "Daddy, come here" = "Daddy, fee hi")
19. Saying “No” and meaning “alright” midway through saying it. = “Nowight”.
20. Soothing others with kisses, hugs, with his very adorable “Aw-wwww” sound.

To be sure...there will be more to follow. I consider this blog my time capsule of sorts. :)


Alison said...

Jaime and I ended up meeting at Bridge Street Yesterday instead of Chuck E. Cheese. Is that when you went?? We did the caraosel (sp?) as well and ate at Red Robin. I'll have to post pics.

also, I haven't seen that water fountain yet. I'll have to explore more. Levi would have loved it!

Kimberly said...

Ah, we just missed each other then - We went on Thursday. And we ate at Red Robin as well!

The fountain play area is on the end close to PF Changs. I was surprised to see how many people showed up with a change of clothes and towels for their kids - coming specifically to play in the play fountain. Good to know we have one so near.

Unknown said...

I'm jealous, I wish we were close enough for a visit with you all.

Those Top 20...perfectly said. Many of those still ring true at 3yrs. Congrats on the easy toddler bed transition. We have that exact bedding for Jacob's room. Good minds think alike.

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to say that you cracked me up with that picture of Noah looking up the manequins shirt! Priceless.

Gina said...

Love the list and pic of Noah! His little smile is just adorable.

The White Family said...

I just LOVED this post! Noah looks like he is having so much fun and I love the picture of him looking at the belly button! Your Top 20 is great! I cannot wait to enjoy these things with Connor, but I am sure treasuring the sweet smiles and laughs and wonder of him now!

Tracy and Lynn said...

They are all so precious, but I have to say my favorite is #16. It is so special to have him repeat not only his mommie and daddy's name at bedtime, but to have his Mimmmie and Papa mentioned everytime too. Sweet 16!! And can't wait to see his big boy bed.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! You've mastered posting pictures and they are GRRREAT! You have to e-mail me the one of the two of us. (I LOVE your camera for that feature!!) Honestly I had so much fun and am sitting here trying to keep my eyes open long enough to type this. I wore myself out. Funny how lying around and chillin' can take up so much energy.

Your Top 20 are too precious. They all sum his toddler years to a "T". My favorite is #6 because it was what cracked me up the most. You really do have to capture that on camera with sounds because it is so heart warming to hear his cooing and ahhhhing. Smushing cheeks is just too precious!

So hopefully tomorrow I can send the picture CD of all our adventures. Please share with all who care to view them.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything! AND for Mom and Dad letting us have the day on Tuesday to cruise around Nashville! Ya'll are the best!

Emily said...

what a great list! You have some really good ideas for posting. Makes me want to start a list of my favorite things Brooklyn's been doing...and especially now that she has a real live baby "toy" sister to help take care of!
And I love the picture of him on his big boy bed all proud of himself. So cute! Can't wait to see you guys in a 2 weeks!