Jun 2, 2008

Bring on the Mac-n-Cheese!

As most of you know, Noah has a very restricted diet as a result of his milk, egg, and peanut allergies. This has been our story for the past year. But today is the day we kicked that sob story to the curb! Because we got the call that Noah’s bloodwork from last Tuesday (which, by the way, was oh so sad to watch) came back negative on the milk and egg allergies!! The nurse that called just giggled and joined in my celebration on the phone when I told her that this changes our lives, besides making my day!!

No more making 2 meals at every meal – one for us, and one for Noah. No more special orders at restaurants. No more cabinet of Noah approved foods. And hello cheeses, yogurt, cereals, chocolate, ice cream, butter, milk, cookies, breads, pizza, chips, pastas, dressings, mayonnaise, pancakes, burgers, etc, etc. Which now that I type the list I think sounds like a recipe for a heart attack, no? :) Needless to say, though, it will be quite a “whole new world” experience for Noah in the coming weeks as we carefully introduce this fun stuff to his eating repertoire. And it will definitely help us get some meat on his bones – he has been quite underweight for a long time now and understandably so – veggies, beans, fruit, soymilk, and meat can only do so much for a little growing body.

Sadly, but not really, compared to how happy we are about the other news, Noah’s peanut allergy was very high still – 3 on a scale of 1-4. So we will continue to have an epi-pen strapped to his stuff at all times for sure. But that is so much easier to avoid than the milk and egg stuff, so no tears here. It did help that his allergist reassured us that Chik-Fil-A cuisine is safe despite their using peanut oil – which was my one burning question as we made our way to the appt. It should come as no surprise then that we hit Chik-Fil-A on the way home just to celebrate!

Anyway, had to share the fun news for Noah! This really changes so many things about our day to day routine. So, so excited!


Anonymous said...

Again, I'm so stinking excited for you and Noah...but mostly you since you were the one actually missing out on letting him eat all those fun foods, and seeing his excitement. Pizza is one of Brooklyn's favorites, though she's not had much of that since I got the Gest Diabetes...so take him to Pizza Hut!!!

Alison said...

Yea!!! I know that is a huge weight off your shoulders. Forget Pizza Hut, let's take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese! I've got coupons.

Bill and Melodie said...

Yea! hello good stuff!

The White Family said...

I'm so excited for you! I hope he enjoys his new cuisine!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I knew exactly what your title meant. What wonderful news! Do I know your excitement or what? We were exactly where you all were last year at this time. That glorious phone call for food freedom. I went that day and bought so much dairy and egg foods at the grocery store:-) It shows that you were very diligent in keeping those allergens completely out of his system for a year. For those that don't know, that's HARD work! WTG MAMA! Jacob's first allergy-free meal was pizza and it's still his favorite meal. There are a few things he still won't eat like Mac-n-Cheese. He won't touch it. I'm thinking it's the look of it that he's not digging:-) Oh, even though Jacob's not allergic, we still give him soy milk to drink because he's still sensitive to regular milk. He can eat anything dairy but if he drinks the milk, he breaks out around his mouth. I can handle that little special accomdation. Enjoy making one meal for dinner and not searching the organic sections for special "normal" food. Now he can have the toddler staples...Goldfish crackers! Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

What great news!!! Life will be so much easier for you now. Oh, by the way...I LOVE reading your blogs! I have yet to jump into the cyberworld of blogging...but you do inspire me. :) Maybe one day...soon...

Anonymous said...

I guess now you know how a prisoner feels that has been set free! SO happy for you...life will be a lot more fun now. : )

sosagtsie said...

That's so exciting! Let us know what Noah's fav new food is :)

Kimberly said...

So true Rhonda - I almost named this post -FREE AT LAST!!