Jun 20, 2008

Love this face!

Seriously, though - they don't come any cuter than this! This is Noah's excited face when you have just offered him something he is glad to hear about.

Noah's venture into the world of chocolate has gone quite well. M & M's really float his boat and dribble down his belly in chocolatey drool. He is drinking half milk/half soy these days and there have been no negative reactions, so I think we are in the clear. So just picture me with that WooHoo face of his. :)

Something else really cute, he calls baby sister Anna, "Nanna." Yet he still refuses to say his own name. Go ahead, try to get him to say Noah, he will act as if you aren't there. Kids.

Thanks, Christy, for the pic! Good job capturing it!


Alison said...

M&M's work wonders as rewards for potty training! We just bought the HUGE bag. Love the shirt too.

Emily said...

So cute! I can't wait to see you guys! Hooray for less allergies!