Aug 26, 2019

Weekend Amusements

I went for the second of two walks this week in an effort to work walking back into my life.  My life needs it.  Anna is on board to go with, so that's fun.

We drove a drive to scope out where two of our baby bunnies landed and it was so nice out that we went the whole way with the windows open and blowing like crazy.  Lasa was DELIGHTED.

So many great clouds overhead that drive.

We did a first-time-everrrrrr thing - flat ironing the baby's hair.  She was delighted, Anna was delighted.  It was delightful.  It lasted less than a day, however, with all the handling that came with it.  And the humidity. Ha!  Oh well.  

Virtual Reality stuffs were a fun distraction one boring evening.

At the park later that evening.  Tennis, walk, chalk, playground, squeaky glider swing.

And Sunday night, Anna's dearheart friends had all us families gather for their performance of a couple skits from Little House on the Prairie.  Over the course of August, they wrote the scripts, rehearsed together, did the set and costuming, wrote tickets, and all!  Afterward, we all enjoyed BBQ for dinner together with the heartiest laughs and most heartfelt chats.

Thankful for our Redeemer family.  Like, every single week, this sentiment strikes me.
Good, simple weekend!


Amy Faye Brown said...

That straight hair is beautiful, but I like her braids and twists the best.

Anna's smile - gorgeous!

Kimberly said...

I told Anna the same thing - that smile!! Thanks!

And Lasa feels like you do about her hair being straightened... when she first saw it in the mirror, she cried, literally cried, because she wanted her curls back. Now that her curls are back, she said she doesn't want to ever straighten it again. ;) I told her, fine by me. We can save it for special occasions IF she wants it.