Aug 8, 2019

And Then There Were Six

The last of our baby bunnies was picked up yesterday finally, not counting the two we are keeping of course.  It feels good to close the door finally on this whirlwind and bittersweet and delightful baby bunny summer we all shared.  What a trip it has been!

Yesterday's final leaver, Luke,  landed at a school in Josh's district as a kindergarten class pet.  New name to come.

Inky was renamed Carmal by her new owners and is being loved like crazy by her main caregiver/their son who lives at home, Ryan, a recent college graduate who is also autistic.  Carmal will be an indoor pet.  This rabbit is a special and long-awaited gift to Ryan and he has been so gentle and loving with her, his momma tells me.  She says he carries her around everywhere.  I don't have a pic of her from her departure last week, so I post this old one from when she was tinier, but Carmal will be back in September for us to bunnysit during their trip to Europe, so that is fun for us to look forward to.  Can get a follow up pic then!

Rooster and Leia were picked up Saturday night by the owner of Elite Education Preschool here in Gallatin and they will be outdoor bunnies.  They are already enjoying their new hutch and all the love they get that I see on their FB page.  It's fun!  Rooster and Leia's new names there have yet to be announced, voting continues.  ;)  I just love that they are together.

And Night, renamed Pickett, went happily home with one of Anna's friends from church, Lyla and her brother.  They are keeping Pickett indoors for now and seeing how that works.  They sent me pics right away that first night and it is really funny how happy the follow-up pics made us!  We loved these babies and saying goodbye was such a weird feeling!

Which leaves us these precious two we decided to keep - Millie (Molly's namesake) and Lucy (for her loosey-goosey lop ear phenomenon that is so stinking adorable).  These two round out our new bunny head count to SIX.  All that remains is the process of getting them properly and safely bonded to Jenny, Valley, and Shade and we then we should be good to go.  Wish us luck!! 

New hutch plans are in the works for winter.  All six surely won't be able to fit in the same one with the heat lamp, nor would they want to!

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