Oct 27, 2018

CFA Scarecrow Contest

Our local Chick-Fil-A hosted a scarecrow contest this past Monday where three different winners would be selected.  Anna was all about the creative challenge and set to work on hers for days.  Alas, I had my doubts and tried to lower her expectations for winning or not.  She humored me and agreed that the fun was in the making of her scarecrow and that she would be happy to get to keep her finished product if it wasn't picked to win.  Anna made a gardener type scarecrow.  Noah, at the last minute, threw together a scarecrow too.  His was CFA themed.  

The night of the judging I was at supper club with some Jonah's Journey friends so Josh took all the kids on his own.  I had no idea how it would go and I had no expectation that any of my poor babies would win, bless their hearts.  Well.  You can imagine my surprise when I got home that night and found my children bouncing off the walls showing off their CFA winnings - so tickled to have shocked me to the core.  BOTH kids won in separate categories and came home $50 richer for it. Bless. 

Turns out, there was only one other entry.  HA!!  That person won the third gift card. ;)  What a fun outcome!  Thanks, CFA! As part of the winning package, both kids' scarecrows are sitting outside the restaurant the rest of the month.

We drove by this morning for breakfast and enjoyed checking on them both.  Noah's cup is now falling out of his hand and Anna's hat has entirely flopped in her face.  HA!  No matter - the gift cards are still as pretty as they were to begin with.


Emily said...

How in the world did you not tell me about this?! That's awesome! Good life lesson on, "you can's win, if you don't even try" ha! You just never know!

Kimberly said...

Ha! It took me by such surprise! And then I thanked the Lord for that sweet kindness to my kiddos. ☺️