Jun 22, 2016

Girls' Week

While the boys were gone at camp last week, Anna and I had to find ways to pass the time.  Much reading and Minecraft play happened.  Anna could not get enough of texting Josh in KY as well.

We started her cursive curriculum that she has been looking forward to.  That didn't last long.  Anna apparently had dreamier visions of how that would go.  HA!  I taught her how to make friendship bracelets.  

She made a matching one for her bestie, Luci, who came over later in the week.

We hit up a new splash pad in the next town over and landed at a friend's pool after that.  

Lasa was still recuperating from a fever and cough the weekend before.  One night I was able to hold her while still asleep.  She was so worn out, I even lingered a bit and took pics. :)

 Another day, Anna and Luci drifted through a blissful afternoon doing anything their little hearts fancied. Anna was surprised how often Lasa stole her friend's attention.  #littlesisterprobs 

Being the artsy pair they are, they were thrilled to get to paint on the fence. 

This same week and the before and after weekends, we were keeping our neighbor's cat and plants alive as well as checking their mail and taking out the trash.  Both kiddos earned $40 in the process ... which has already been spent ... on Legos and American Girl accessories.  


Emily said...

Ha! Money burns holes in those kids pockets! I had to veto any spending for the girls for a while since all these birthdays are coming around. They just love some instant gratification.

Sick babies my my heart hurt...but I sure do enjoy snuggling them though!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

You're such a fun mom! That outdoor scavenger hunt is a great idea! I'm filing that one away for the future. :-) My girl and I did a photo I Spy scavenger hunt outside earlier this week and had a lot of fun together. That sweet baby crawling around is adorable. I wish we lived close enough that I could squeeze her! And Beverly Cleary... one of my favorites when I was Anna's age. So fun to see her enjoying it too. Happy Summer to you!

Kimberly said...

I had been cleaning out more stuff from my classroom days (yes, that process is still going on - ha!) and just happened to have set that hunt page on the table to file for later. It was still there after Luci arrived, so I was all, "perfect!" It was a little young for them I think, but they really enjoyed it and ended up playing outside longer as a result of it! :D