Dec 23, 2015

Baby Mama Visit at Buffalo Valley

Lasa's momma was MIA in November, but in December she checked into her rehab facility at Buffalo Valley.  And we are so happy to announce that she has stayed put so far and has seen the benefit of her treatment in a number of ways already.  Josh noticed the difference in her as soon as she came into the room for her visit with Lasa on Monday.  Her speech was clear, there was purpose in her conversation, her countenance was lifted, and she was intentional and engaged with baby for the full 2 hours and 45 minutes they were there. I was not able to attend at the last minute as Noah and Anna were both sick and could not be left with friends as we had arranged before then, but as soon as I got the first pics Josh texted, I saw a brightness and awareness in her smile I had never seen and I could tell she was actually eating for a change; she looked healthy and much more present.

It didn't occur to me til too late in the month that we should maybe take her some gifts during this visit.  But what I did pull together (after laboring over each part of the care package) ended up being so well received, I was just about in tears at the confirmation it was to me from the Lord.  After adding and taking out several different things, what we actually gave her was a Colorful Comfort scripture coloring book that I had an extra of on hand for last minute gift-giving, some markers for that, some cigarettes and a note from her boyfriend :/ , a brand new beautiful copy of the Jesus Calling devotional that someone had gifted Josh at work the day before but we thought this was a more timely destination for, some sweets and some Halo clementines, a baby footprint Christmas tree card, a baby's first Christmas ornament and some cookies from JJ, and a handwritten note and a teddy bear from Anna (that she struggled to let go of but chose love and sacrifice in the end, bless her heart), and a beautiful white journal that Josh had as a free gift from Google from some convention I am sure.  Also, I bought a scarf from my friend Cindy's Crafty Things business stash and we called it done.

Anna's note.

Baby's footprint card.

I fretted about which color scarf she would prefer, but was so glad I landed on the cream.  It really does go well with the colors she usually wears and it looked so good on her.  Josh, always impressive in a pinch, showed Angelique how to correctly wear an infinity scarf. The girl is always cold, so this is really a perfect gift for her and less of a handful than a blanket which I pondered getting as well.

I love the grin on her face.  I love that Josh said she opened everything so tenderly and slowly and even wanted to leave some to open Christmas morning.  He said she turned every single page of the Scripture coloring book; that she said that all the ladies color while in rehab and are always checking to see who's got extra pages to share.  This. Made. My. Day.  And made me wish we have $500 to go buy up a TON and send them to the facility.  I had no idea how valuable that would be in a place like that, but it does make sense. Same goes for the Jesus Calling devotional.  Angelique said she had read some entries from it in jail once but that they only had 30 day copies.  I am stunned that this was perfect for her and that now she has a full, beautiful copy of her own.  So glad I didn't shy away from giving her words that speak Truth so pointedly. This time of healing at rehab really was the perfect time if ever.

This was the precious pink whale ball ornament for baby's first Christmas.

I love how she is cooing at the baby footprint card.

Oh yeah, I tossed in a couple packages of my favorite gum.  She thought that was funny. :}

After gifts, Angelique just tuned into baby and enjoyed the opportunity to tend to her and soak her in.  I had sent a couple outfits, so Angelique got to pick something else to dress her in if she preferred.

I have often wondered if she would ever be light of heart enough to be playful and happy in a way that Lasa would respond to.  So these pics were a huge relief to see.    And the following video of her reading with baby, too. :)

I honestly think me NOT being there might have been easier for Angelique to step into the momma role she belongs in.  The last time we hung out (at court), she passed off the diapering and feeding roles to me.  Possibly with it just being Josh, she felt more onus to take care of baby herself?  I don't know.  Like I said, it could just be the clarity she displayed as a result of getting clean and clear thinking again! All things we have been praying for like crazy.


I am so glad Lasa's naps worked out to be just before and there at the end of their almost 3 hours visit. So much quality time.

Josh said once baby fell asleep, Angelique wanted to show Josh around the facility and show off her babylove to everyone.  He met many of the patients and saw the common areas, kitchen, the bedroom she shares with a few other ladies.  She brought Josh a card she had taped to the wall that Allyson from Jonah's Journey had sent her that week and Josh said he could see pics of Lasa that we had sent her taped up as well.  

Momma discharges from rehab on the 31st and Buffalo Valley is already taking steps to get her set up with a nearby outpatient treatment and support as soon as she is out.  We look forward to her next court date for Lasa on January 27th.  Possibly after that, we will have a more firm time table for transitioning Lasa back into her care over the coming months after that.  Stay tuned!  And please pray for her to stay clean and single-minded once she has left the safety and accountability of rehab.  We truly desire healthy and successful reunification for her and Lasa.  Until He tells me to pray otherwise, I beg the Lord to let permanent reunification be His will for them.  Beg Him with us!


Amy Faye Brown said...

What a thoughtful and beautiful visit!
Praying for both mamas and baby.

Kimberly said...

Thank you so much! ❤️