Dec 15, 2015

Arts and Crafts

Noah is not much for arts and crafts, BUT he has been enjoying his weekly art class at Aaron Academy.  So that's pretty awesome!  Today his class had an open house and, while we didn't get to attend, we did arrange to get our hands on his work of late that was displayed there. Look what my boy had to share...

He has really enjoyed all the clay projects they have done and has not seemed to shy away from the painting.  So glad he can enjoy this activity even if it's not really in his wheelhouse. Good work, Noah!   Also, Noah attended a boys' book club last week that involved a craft relating to the book. The True Gift was about a cow.  So, after enjoying Laughing Cow cheese, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, and Cow Tales candies, they made cow ornaments out of clay pots...

Truth be told, they only got through half the cow projects before hightailing it outside to play with the chickens instead.  Ha!  It was a solid effort though!

Anna, as ever, has been so artsy I don't even take pics of it all anymore.  Except for the following...

This precious letter took her a few days to finish and write.  True story, this Jonah to whom she writes is determined that he and Anna will marry ... "when they are old enough and able to buy a house with lots of land."  Every week there's another "young love" update after they have spent time together at co-op. :} Every week, they beg us moms to get together so they can play.

Just yesterday, at a playdate, after putting her foot down about them just being friends for now, apparently Anna jumped the gun after all and asked Jonah to marry her in a note.  Sheesh.

And me?  I have no time for arts and crafts, but I did craft some pretty gift wrapped packages this week.  Specifically these two for Noah's and Anna's co-op teachers.  I thought they were so pretty, I snapped a pic, just because I can.

My sweet neighbor, Buffie, keeps me stocked up with gift wrap goodies, bows, papers, and boxes from her work, Nashville Wraps.  So really, this pretty pic credit goes to her.  It's such a fun stash to have on hand!


Emily said...

young love <3 so so cute! and great art work to those two kiddos!! Brooklyn's phasing out of art these days too. She has a class tomorrow and only Natalie is the one who's super excited and ready to go. :( BUT, Brooklyn likes that will be one of our first finds for a coach up there when we move...already have a lead! :)

Kimberly said...

That's funny ... we are throwing around the tennis discussion for spring, too. Noah is a bit wary of moving up to kid pitch baseball. We'll see if we can eek out oneeeeeeeee last season in coach pitch though. Fingers crossed!