Dec 28, 2015

Journaling All the T Books

I have condensed several books that I recently wrapped up into this one journaling post ... and all those books, as the title suggests, just so happen to begin with a T: 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. 

This "mystery of godliness" chunk of excellent text needs {something} but I can't quite figure out what ... leaving it for another time.


Who doesn't love an acrostic?  Kinda proud that I was able to pull each line's word from the passage about Scripture there at the top.  #WordNerd

Oh my stars, the goodness and meaty theology to chew on here! 

And then the poor red-headed stepchild of a book, Philemon, which I completed in the wave of T books, but didn't have any notes to show for it.  Sorry, Phil.

Working my way through Hebrews now...

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