Dec 17, 2015

Really, Really

I really, really resent having to run the air conditioning in December.  But it has come to that.  I had to pull my flip flops back out.  This is just not right.

Speaking of not right, I have had some sleep problems lately ... which rolls into very tense muscles and very intense headaches.  Here, Anna was sitting on my really, really tight shoulder muscles and massaging my head while I waited for  my third dose of headache pills to kick in.  Rough weekend!  I totaled only eight hours of sleep that weekend. I was in a world of desperate hurt.

Speaking of pics on that couch, I was really, really excited this week to finally remember to get a group pic of all our dear ones in Community Group that gather at our home every Wednesday night.  We are missing only one wife and 3 kiddos in this shot.  Interestingly, and this did not happen on purpose, all four families represented here are homeschooling families. 

Speaking of homeschool, we are trudging on day after day.  And I do mean trudging.  It is really, really hard to get through all our stuff with a certain little miss interrupting us every 10 minutes.  We tolerate it though.  She makes up for it in slobbery cuteness that is intoxicating.

Speaking of cuteness, Lasa girl really, really LOVES to mess with Josh's beard.

Speaking of Josh, I caught this sweet second this past Sunday while Josh and I worked the Pre-K room during church.  We usually work the Toddler room, but really, really loved the bump to the pre-k posse.  It was waaaaaaaaay less work.

Speaking of work, Josh did this number again for the special education students in his district.  He says next year he will just spray his own beard white rather than don that big fake one.  

Speaking of that fake beard, Anna would really, really like one and all to know that Josh used her hairbrush to brush it. 


Emily said...

OH man, you do Toddlers? You are a saint....I know you are a saint because I did toddlers at Central for a year and hated every single sunday. It very well could have been because we had a very needy group with major separation anxiety kids, but that experience taught me little one still in diapers are SO not my service area at church. I adore pre - K and 2nd graders though. Pre-K because you KNOW they don't read so you can plan accordingly with songs, a story time, simple craft....2nd graders you know CAN read...all of you can plan accordingly with crafts and pages with instructions they can read. And they are still so eager to do anything you have planned. LOVE them.

And what a sweet little Christmas cheer to give mom while she's in rehab!!!! You are one thoughtful woman.

Kimberly said...

Well, before you assign me sainthood, when I say we did toddlers I mean we were in the rotation and only got called up once every three months. And we dreaded our day duty every time. That is a hard room to man. :} Hoping they leave us in the Pre K rotation now, but will do our duty either way. Ha!

Emily said...

ohhhhhhhh, well still...I won't even volunteer for any sort of rotation in a toddler nursery... But I'd gladly rotate through the K-4's. Apparently the children's director from our last church thought it was better for kids to have only one teacher every sunday, so they'd feel comfortable. I am guessing that was why they were alway scramblign for one wants to commit to an entire year of crying, stinky diapers (not your own childs even) and whiner's for over an hour and a half for an entire year of Sunday's. Yuck. We were suckers... lol.

Kimberly said...

Well, each level has a regular teacher set for SUNDAY SCHOOL for all year, because yeah that's inportant. But yeah, extended care during church is the grab bag rotation- ha! And that extended care is only offered for the littles lower than Kindergarten remember.

Emily said...

oh yeah, I do remember that now. Gotcha!