Dec 31, 2015

Friendly and Faithful Farewell to 2015

It was a joy to wrap up 2015 with a handful of our favorite friends and also have some family join in the festivities.  Josh's dad came to town and it was a sweet treat to spend a couple days with him. It was also sweet for me to recall that we rang IN 2015 with my sister's family and rang OUT 2015 with Josh's. :)  And, of course, the dear peeps you see pictured here that we share many memories with every year - the Graffs, Williams, and Jeffs. We were so thankful to enjoy a FRIEND-filled farewell to 2015 with them especially!

While we may not have made it to midnight, I did almost stay up til midnight myself to wrap up my Hebrews journaling.  I was so near the end, my brain was committed to finishing it with the year that was also finishing in those same moments.  Hebrews is so heavy with Faith talk, we'll call this portion of the post the FAITH-filled farewell to 2015. :}

And this faith/faithfulness talk  lends itself so perfectly to my new wise word for the New Year.  That first post of 2016 will be up shortly. :)  It's gonna be a good New Year!


Emily said...

Lee said in that first picture Josh and his dad appear to be belly bumping each other for the pic....LOL...hahaha!!!!!!!

Kimberly said...

Yeahhhhhhh, I didn't even ask them about it. Just rolled my eyes. I believe i have a similar belly bump pic from our house back in GA actually...