Nov 23, 2014

Noah and Anna's Lego Club

Noah and Anna (and Josh) came up with an idea to start a Lego Club.  The kids each invited two friends to be on their teams and a build theme was picked for the event - Castles.  All four invited buddies were able to come and I was quite IMPRESSED with how productive the kiddos were and how well they worked together within their teams combining all their different ideas.

Anna invited her good buddy, Claire, because she knew Claire would represent girl builders well.

She also invited a classmate she knows loved Legos, too, Sonny.  He also likes donuts which is great because Josh picked some up for everyone.  Ha!

Noah invited a friend from church, Colman, and a friend from co-op, Cole.

Colman's sister, Kellin, stuck around to help the younger team. Sonny's dad, Evan, stuck around for the event, too.

Noah's team got some assists from Cole's dad and from Josh.

Group photo with the finished product.  Anna was not happy to have be kneeling in the pic. :}

Close up of their masterpiece.  They were VERY into the castle's interior and holdings. Nice work!

Noah's group photo at morning's end.

This team put the bulk of their effort into the walls and its intimidating exterior.  Well done, boys!

It was a successful Lego Club launch and the kiddos all decided that the next meeting's theme should be vehicles.  


Emily said...

I love love love that!!!! Natalie's school Lego Club is also a hit...this was the first year they did it and so many kids wanted to be a part of it that they created a separate 1st grade and 2nd grade group. I love seeing the minds of these kids work through time we visit, Jack will be ALL over it...What a fun idea Josh. ha! And you've got just the legos and room and organization to do it too!

Kimberly said...

Seriously - I wondered if the kids would lose interest after starting, but they were all about it all the way to completion. And THEN they bolted for more donuts and headed out back to play. :}

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Your house = the fun house.

Kimberly said...

One can hope!