Nov 18, 2014


You hear that sound?  

That crunch, crunch, crunch?

That's me tiptoeing one step further onto granola turf.

Exhibit A

Got my hands on my first ever essential oil last night.  That cutie pie bottle contains a sample of melaleuca (tea tree oil) that I am putting on Noah's ringworm spot.  Wish us luck! 

If it doesn't work, I have the doctor's recommendation of Lotrimin AF on hand to use instead.  But I am really excited about the oil!  We shall see...


Cindy said...

That cracks me up about you being "crunchy".

I have used tea tree oil for acne, mosquito bites, nail fungus, repelling lice, etc. It works great. I never thought to try it for ringworm... let me know how that goes.

Kimberly said...

Ohhhh!! Which reminds me .... Texting you now. :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

HAHAHAHA. I love this. :-)

Tea tree oil is a big deal around our house these days because I use it in our "cloth diaper pail" and the bathroom garbage where the night-time disposable diapers end up.

Kimberly said...

Seriously - I really dig the smell. Can I put it in my crunchy home-made laundry detergent? I know people do with others at least. :}

Emily said...

BWAHAHAHA! YEP, YOU very nearly crunchy. But I can't wait to see how it works!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Home-made laundry detergent?!? I had no idea. Do tell. I've yet to find anyone who's 100% satisfied with theirs because they all eventually get tired of clothes not smelling clean or fresh enough.

As for adding in tea tree oil, I'm sure you could... though you might want to google if people have issues with sensitivity to it. You're right - I know lots of people who add in other oils. As for me, we mostly use soap nuts (cause I'm crazy like that). I have both the concentrated liquid and the nut form. About half the time I end up using the nuts and then adding a teeny amount of the liquid - to which I add an essential oil.

p.s You're more crunchy than you give yourself credit for if you're making your own laundry detergent!

Kimberly said...

For some reason, Josh's clothes don't come off smelling super fresh so I keep adding in a touch of store-bought detergent for the soapy smell, but if I can find an oil we like, that might just do the trick.

And, heck yeah! Been making my own for over a year now... maybe more. I forget when I started. A batch lasts so long, I have lost track of HOW long we've been doing it. :} There is a blog post on it though somewhere back in the TaDa category I bet. Ha! Making my own detergent is not something I thought I would ever care about either. Just goes to show how effective the good influence of friends can be. :}

Kimberly said...

Nope! Found it under Lists though....

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Ha! Apparently the past year and a half of sleep deprivation caused me to forget that I knew (seeing as how I commented on the post) once-upon-a-time that you were making your own detergent.

Kimberly said...

Oil Update - It is working AWESOMELY! Excited to report that the spot is gone completely and had begun fading significantly right after the first application Tuesday. I will keep applying it for a couple weeks, but I can already call this a big win. :D

Elizabeth Bradley said...
