Mar 6, 2014

Body Parts and More

Noah's been working his way through a human body unit in science for a couple months now.  We are fascinated every week by the things we are learning!  Most recently, we tackled the organs and orders of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems.  From there, Noah was excited to represent his learning with a life-sized human body map similar to one we spotted on Pinterest.  Turned out nicely and now it hangs on the back of Noah's bedroom door. Anna made one, too, in fact, and will finish up her intestines and bones with her daddy this weekend because I just plain lost my oomph after helping Noah with his and then half of Anna's. Ha!

Yesterday, we moved on to things involving hormones, DNA, and babies - specifically where they come from.  :S  I was not prepared to lay out these sorts of details but our text has done a wonderful, age-appropriate job at basic explanations that spurred on good conversation that I feel laid a healthy foundation for future conversations in that arena ... if ya know what I mean.  These three topics also immediately made Noah ask some more questions about the circumstances relating to his birth story and birthmother.  I thought that was very telling of his understanding of the situation and I was really encouraged to see his inquiry and response to the topics.

Honestly, that has been one of my favorite and more proud observations about Noah since starting homeschooling ... the evolution of his natural curiosity and his initiative toward learning on his own when he is interested/intrigued about a subject.


Emily said...

Ooohh do tell how your textbooks explained that part of anatomy! a FB message would be fine too :)

Kimberly said...

Probably on our next phone chat. OR, I could email you pics of the pages. :}