Mar 10, 2012

Wrapping Up This Week

This week, Josh was out of town from Tuesday-Friday.  It was so strange how different it felt for him to be gone again.  And how much easier it was to endure since we all know this isn't the norm.  In his absence, I attended a parent-teacher conference all by myself, managed Anna's most recent bout with croup, kept Noah current on all the wacky Dr. Seuss activities at school, hired a babysitter for a girl's night out with some ladies I just love, sold and bought some home school related things on a FB curriculum swap page I joined, hunkered down for a gully-washer of a day and enjoyed it, had to bail early on a play date because Noah got diarrhea AGAIN - grrrrr,  and even had dinner hot and ready for Josh when he finally walked in the door last night.

Don't laugh, but we were both so tired from this week that we were in bed within minutes of putting the kids down.  Yes, that means we were both in bed by 7:45.  I chuckled to myself because that's certainly no way to bid farewell to my last moments as a 32 year old.  But, hey -  I just plain old don't mind! (emphasis on the word old, right?)

Today I am 33 years old and we are headed out for a quick shopping trip and some cupcakes.  Later on, I hope to maybe take in a movie - any old romcom will do. :)  The sun is shining out, the air is cool but warming by the moment, I'm waiting on some mystery Certified Mail delivery, and we have not a thing else on our weekend agenda.  Even better, we have a fun trip to ATL next week capped off with a visit to my sister's.   Happy Birthday to me! 

Happy weekend to all!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Happy Birthday, again, to you!
What a full week. Enjoy your day!
Shopping, cupcakes, and a movie with those you love...what could be better?
Have fun in the ATL! That was one of our choices a couple weekends ago, but none of us were up to driving very far so we just headed up the road to Montgomery and had a great time.

Kimberly said...

So you're saying there's a chance I could lure you guys to ATL sometime? :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

Absolutely! We've got plans to camp again sometime at Stone Mountain, go to the Varsity again, and do some Coca-Cola stuff. When? Don't know, but one day. My funds are once again fixing to be completely depleted because a certain girly will be sporting her own wheels in a month or two. :)

Kimberly said...

No. Way! You are too, too good to that girl. Wheels of her own?! My teenage-self is retro-actively jealous of Beka right now. I never hit such great luck!

Emily said...

Oh that was so much fun to read! You are one busy momma...

So you have about decided officially to homeschool?

Kimberly said...

Nope. :}