Mar 12, 2012

Purchase, Power tool, Puke

Yesterday we bought a solid wood booth-style table off GTP.  When we got to the house to check it out, it was well-worn in and the table was a little wobbly.  Solid wood or not, we weren't sure we wanted to drop $150 on it and had already told the owners that we were going to pass after all, when they offered to drop the price to $100.  Well, that changed things and we decided it was worth a little elbow grease at that price point.  Within an hour of getting it home, I had it sanded and polyurethaned and waiting for the second coat.  For the record, this was my first time ever using a power tool and I have to say - I'll never sand by hand again! 

This morning Anna was scrambling to use her new table.  There are tea parties to be had, you know!  She's in there now smoothing out a blanket on top for a tablecloth and putting a flower in the middle for her precious centerpiece.   I know it's not the prettiest table and seating you ever saw, but it sure uses the floor space better than the other table I had in the corner.  Plus, this set has storage under the seats.  And I'll be honest, it'll be a great work space for any home schooling we tackle in time.

In other news, we mowed the yard for the first time of the season yesterday and our Bradford Pear tree is stinking to high heaven.  We leave tomorrow for our trip to Atlanta and, as luck would have it, Anna woke up this morning sick.  Yes, that's right; the girl has dared to start throwing up right before a trip that we have PREPAID the hotel for.  {Sigh} Oh yeah, to make matters worse, Josh twisted (sprained?) his ankle playing street hockey yesterday with Noah and the neighbor boys.  We are doomed, I tell you.  Doomed.

Anyway, I've got to run.  My patient has finished her tea party preparations and issued an invitation to yours truly.  I dare not turn her down.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Love the table. You did a great job!
The throwing up should be gone soon, let's hope! Have a fun trip.

Cindy said...

That table is great! Plus it is perfect for playing "restaurant" with your awesome new play food.

I hope Anna doesn't have THE EVIL STOMACH VIRUS that is going around.

Emily said...

ooooooh, I really like that table! I've always wanted one of those for our kitchen table...and 100 dollars....holy cow! I'm loving what you're doing to your house! So nice!

Kimberly said...

Thanks, y'all!

As for Anna, we seem to be in the clear ... knock on wood. I know! I'll knock on the new table. :)