Apr 5, 2019

Noah's Early B'day Gift

For a couple years now Noah has been gaga for all our Nashville Predators games in regular and post-season play.  This year for his upcoming birthday, all he asked for was to actually go to a game.  We sucked it up and paid the cash to make it happen for the birthday boy for as late in the season as we could get so as to make it as close to Noah's birthday in early May as we could get.  That ended up being last night for the second to last regular season game.  Lord knows we won't be able to afford any playoff tickets in May. Yikes!

We got a sitter for Lasa, a new Preds hoodie for the birthday boy, borrowed some Preds gear for Anna to wear (thanks, Cathy!!), and enjoyed dinner in Nashville before the game at BAAM Burger which really hit the spot.  Our seats were way up high, view was great regardless, the music was so loud and so fun, and the experience was everything Noah had hoped for.  He loved it!  We all did.  


Noah, bless his heart, was in love with riding the escalators  - the escalators! - to our high, high seats - ha - and so pleased even after the game to see the nightlights of Nashville on the way home.  He loved driving at night which I guess doesn't happen a whole bunch?? Simple pleasures.  As well, we were all super pumped for how exciting the game turned out to be and entirely jazzed that the Preds took the win in an exciting finish.  There was such contented chatter on the way home.  Thank you, Lord, for such a sweet birthday first for our Noah.

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