Apr 19, 2018

Short but WONDERFUL Update

Just a short but wonderful update I wanted to document here.  I will be back with a million thoughts on so many different facets of this update and the court experience later ... probably in a series of small posts. But in the interest of just marking the day and updating ...  TPR was granted yesterday almost immediately after trial!  

I still can't believe the goodness of this milestone. It feels amazing. It is gonna be life-changing. 

A few pics...
Metro Nashville/Davidson County Juvenile Court

Inside.  The last time I was here was November 2015.  Josh has been back a time or two since.

Lisa Fiehwig, Lasa's guardian ad litem/atty.

Judge Sheila Calloway and the precious court reporter.

Nashville view and blue skies after court.

The experience was surreal and the most stressful event of my life, I think.  The outcome was such a rushing and wonderful relief.  I am still stunned and dazed and can't slow my brain down.  Except in praise to Him who made this day.

Thank you, Lord!


Cindy said...


Kimberly said...

Yes!! Thank you, Cindy! That is still where my brain is three days later. Just wowwwww and hoorayyyyy and thank you, Lorddddddd. I am actually fasting today an extra day just to lay out the depth of my humble thanks to the Lord. Oh my gosh, just yay. Brain is still there.