Sep 24, 2016

School Stuff

I am really enjoying this school year with the kids. 

We just wrapped up a whole Columbus unit.  This was a fun model ship we made.  It is complete with a rudder and all. :}

Comparing sailing with and without sails.

Kiddos are still rocking it in the spanish class they take on Wednesdays.  They are learning some verbs and conversational phrases and enjoying it so much.

Attending a homeschool class at the zoo.  They were learning about being animal trainers.

On a field trip to tour a local news station with the actual news anchor as our host.  Was really cool!

In this shot he was showing them what all tricks you can do in an editing room.  He recorded them all singing Happy Birthday to Anna. :)

Check out invisible Anna.


After reading up a little on one of Columbus' contemporaries, the kiddos were tasked to try their hand at some art upside down just like Michealangelo did while working on the Sistine Chapel.  They were aching in the arms after 4 mins. 


So they cannot believe he did this for four years!  Anna made a birthday cake pic for herself.  Noah made a zombie.  #Reallife

And I cannot close out a post about school stuff without tooting Noah's horn.  He is killing it in math this year.  Perhaps I am slightly eeking out too because it is new to me as well.  Remember that I am current up to my third grade classroom experience.  Noah is now in 4th, so I am so impressed watching him just breeze into concepts that I think are pretty challenging.  Also, our math curriculum is AmAzInG in how it prepares Noah on the sly ahead of time. I sing its praises to everyone who will hear.  Anyway, Noah Brown is rocking out on fractions - converting fractions, unlike denominators, improper fractions, and now percentages.  Percentages!  He is converting fractions into percentages like a boss.  Like, down to 12 1/2% and 66 2/3%.  Proud and impressed momma over here!  Also, I had to confess to him that I am learning these fraction/percentage equivalents right along with him.  He thinks that's kinda awesome.

Anna, for her part, is rocking 2-3 math lessons a day because subtraction strategies are her jam.  She can't wait to start multiplication.  And she is in LOVE with learning cursive.  She grew impatient with practicing pages of single letters at a time and finally, finally got to the point that she could put those letters together.  Hence, the till, hi, hit you saw doodled at the bottom of her birthday survey yesterday.  It is Saturday morning here and she just asked me if she could do another page in her cursive book. Being the coolest teacher ever, I gave in.  HA!