Sep 30, 2016

Redeemer Church Retreat 2016

Quick before September runs out, I wanted to post about a sweet weekend getaway we enjoyed this month with our church family.  Every fall, they take a retreat together around the church's anniversary.  This year is Redeemer's 6th year.  We went for the first time two years ago.  Last year we did not go because Lasa was so new in our home.  This year, our friends, the Tuckers, were asking to keep her for a weekend sometime anyway, so we took them up on the offer and took off for Linden Valley Conference Center on the other side of Nashville with our Redeemer peeps.  It was a retreat times two getting away with these dear people AND being toddler free!

This was one of the few times we saw the kiddos besides meals.


They had a blast running around the conference center grounds with all their friends and participating in the kids' activities.  It was so nice to enjoy trusting my big kids to manage themselves.  And again, to not be managing a toddler.  :} 

We shared time in prayer,

time in laughter with the annual Talent Show,

time just hanging out,

time wandering outside (this shot just so happens to be our Community Group I spotted across the way praying for a certain friend of Jill's), 


and several times for taking in a good word from Jamie, our pastor.

So thankful for him and this community of believers he leads so sincerely and faithfully.

Hard angles, large group, many kids ... this is as good as it gets in terms of group shots of all who could attend that weekend. :}

We seriously, seriously love this family.  I feel for my friends when I hear how they are floundering in their churches, struggling with going at all, talking about trying new churches, not knowing community, not caring for their pastor or his style, not feeling like they are even known among their respective church bodies. We have been there, wanting more in terms of fellowship, faith, leadership, and church doing real life together.  That's how we know to be so very humbled and thankful to have found such an active and healthy family at Redeemer. Good people.  Sinners all - but walking in faith together with our Savior - and being real about it with each other and with those outside the church. 

Such an encouragement!


Emily said...

that does look like a great group of fellow believers! Though it appears to be half kids and half adults :P Looked like a great time!

Kimberly said...

Lots and lots of babies and kiddos at our church. :}

Amy Faye Brown said...

Church families....
Everybody needs one.
So glad y'all have found the right fit.

Kimberly said...

This church has really taught me to get a grip on the FAMILY part of church. So Thankful!