Sep 21, 2016

Home to Me

My heart belongs to this little ditty from one of Lasa's favorite shows, Boj.  Been meaning to post it for forever.  Tonight, I heard it again and I had the time to stop and type!  It's precious.

Home to Me

If you want to go fly, little guy,
go swing, little thing
go race, little ace
well you go have a try, little guy
then you come home to me

If you get in a flap, little chap
homesick, little chick
or stuck, little duck
or you just miss your mum, little chum
then you come home to me.

I like you to have fun, little one
I love you to roam free
And when the day is done, little one
Then you come home to me

If things don't go as planned, little man
then you come home to meeeee
and I will hold your hand, little man
when you come home to me
Now listen to you tum, little chum
when you come home for tea!


Amy Faye Brown said...

You should have put a Kleenex disclaimer at the beginning.

Kimberly said...

Right? How can something so colorful and perky be so moving? Well done, Boj writers. We momma hearts salute you.