Jul 16, 2016

Kimmie's First Zucchini

I have wanted to try my hand at growing zucchini for two years now.  Last year, we just plain forgot during planting time.  This year, planting time came late so I had plenty of time to think about what was gonna be worth the effort.  Our cucumbers are sneaking their way up the fence and strings we set up, the tomatoes are finally starting to turn orange and red day by day.  And then last night Josh spotted a full size zucchini and I could not scramble out the back door fast enough to see it for myself.  I have been watering every day and not seen a thing.  How did I miss this?!

I left it overnight for one more rain and picked it fresh this morning.  

I sliced that beauty up according to the Food Network recipe's instructions that I found and within 30 minutes had a tasty snack that was hoovered by Josh, Noah, and myself in no time!  Noah ate them with ketchup, I think ranch would be better.  Josh and I ate them plain.  These Zucchini Parmesan Crisps were delish!

Next, I have a recipe for Zucchini Pizza Bites that sounds intriguing. :)


Amy Faye Brown said...

That's a pat on the back accomplishment for sure.

Hoovered? That provides a hilarious visual of the zucchini devouring that must have taken place.

Kimberly said...

Think - stacked up pile of chips in Noah's hands, as he turns from the tray to find a plate. Think - me warning Josh to leave some for the kids while he snacks right from the tray, as he was the one to sample them first. HA! Think - me picking out the thinnest ones because they were the crunchiest. ;)