Jul 25, 2016

Blessing Shower

It was a tender and meaningful Saturday morning this weekend when a handful of us Redeemer Women got together for another Blessing Shower.  The expectant moms showered were Lindsey Jo, Sarah, Heather, and (not-so-expectant-but-kinda-expectant) Yours Truly.  The pic is a bit blurry and missing a few who had already left, but I am so thankful that someone snapped this for us anyway! 

At these gatherings, we enjoy tasty goodies and everyone brings diapers, wipes, and/or gifts, but the most precious gift is the encouragement, support, and prayer coverage.  They prayed over us four, our four respective babies and, accordingly, for Lasa's momma as well.  It all meant so much to me for Lasa!  Back at home, Lasa felt the love as I lined up all the diapering goodies meant for her.

She giggled at all the colorful packages with baby faces on them.

Then she got downright silly.  Adorable!

Adorable ... and blessed!  Thank you, Redeemer Women!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You are so blessed for sure!