Feb 14, 2016


These are the Valentine's sweets seen round our house this weekend because no matter how much I wanted to ignore all the needless commercial hullabaloo, Josh just couldn't NOT surprise us a little.

And I woke up Saturday morning to Josh painting the kitchen ceiling - a honey-do line item that had worn out its welcome on the list over the past year and a half.  This is a real-life Valentine! ❤️

And let's not forget this sweetheart! 


Amy Faye Brown said...

Completed honey-dos are hands down the best gifts!

Kimberly said...

A-tothe-men, sister. Amen!

Emily said...

Painted the kitchen ceiling? Interesting request. haha!

Kimberly said...

There was stain from a water leak. So Josh painted over it awhile back. But the paint he used a year and half ago did not quite match the rest of the ceiling. So there has been a white spot showing up on my off-white-ish ceiling ... taunting me and my OCD brain. So this weekend, Josh finally just painted the whole ceiling so it could be uniform again. AS IT SHOULD BE. :}