Feb 8, 2016


I donned blue and orange for the Broncos on Super Bowl Sunday and made my oldest join me in blue and orange as well.  

We had our small group over to watch the Super Bowl.  This amused us all at one point in the night.  How real men watch football!


This one showing off and stealing hearts in the waiting room of a doctor's appt.  I tell you what, y'all.  A white lady with a black baby garners much attention.  Much attention everywhere we go. That's a post for another day though.

This book of Puritan prayers quiets me in my most irrational moments when I can't calm my heart down myself.  And I mean - it grips my heart and SQUEEEEEEZES.  I quietly weep my way through as many pages as I take time to read.  Excellent book.

It's time for making Valentine box and bag for co-op. Remember when I used to make perfectly-Pinteresty containers for my babies and totally cutesy homemade Valentines?  Those are hilarious memories to me now.  Now, I thank the Lord Noah only wanted a bag and that Anna is self-determining enough to decorate her box on her own.  And it was store-bought Valentines this year with nary a piece of sugar inside.  In our defense, the ones I picked up have cool window-clings and scratch off color cards.  Ha!

I love this view beside me in church yesterday ... and every first Sunday of the months.  Thank you, Jesus.

Guess who!  and Guess what!  

It's go time in the orthodontic arena for my Noah. Yikes!

Anna:  Mommy, I was reading in my Action Bible and a verse inspired me...

What is this precious life the Lord has allowed me?  His presence and patience, these people, all these precious moments?  Too much goodness.


The White Family said...

I have probably said this before, but the Action Bible is one of the best things we own! Connor knows Bible stories better than I ever did at that age (and sometimes better than I do now). He reads it all day long and loves it. I love that he is learning how God works in the lives of His people! I love that it is not watered down like most Children's bibles and that it keeps my 8 year old entertained for hours!

Kimberly said...

Seriously! It is easy to see why it is an award winner. Noah loved it, too, but Anna is the one who is rereading it herself. I love that! Our Jesse Tree devotions this year came from the Action Bible. I found the plan on a page I follow and was thrilled!

Emily said...

Loved this post!!! Those two guys on the couch with the babies...Oh my word What great men.