Oct 13, 2014


Every spare minute, this one is asking to go outside and climb the tree.  While these pics show him on the lowest branch, he actually climbs all the way to the highest point that the branches allow. Just call him a thrill seeker.  Until the wind blows the leaves a little too roughly and that boy is back down next to Momma. :}

UP a tree.

Closer UP.


UP close. And looking so grown UP in this shot, too, right?

UPside down.  Ha!

Noah was also rising UP during his recent Space Walk experience at a local science museum.

Some purple to spruce UP the porch.

And Noah's not the only one way UP these days.  He spotted one of our resident turkeys UP high in our neighbor's tree. 

And that's what's UP around here.


Emily said...

:) that was fun :)

Kimberly said...

Tee, hee, hee. This one wrote itself actually. I didn't even set out to do the UP theme. :}