Oct 19, 2014

Kimmie's First 5k

Guess who rocked (but really walked) her first 5k today?


This girl!


It was chilly, but bright.


Good friends were in sight.

Along with a slew of more friends all showing team solidarity in our way cute hats.

The event was appealing because it was about 10 minutes from home and, oh yeah, it was called

and the charity represented was Dreams and Wishes of Tennessee, a non-profit Wish Granting organization that grants wishes to kids between the ages of 5-21 who have relapsed from cancer or have a second life-threatening illness diagnosis. This explains all the characters lined up to greet us at the finish.

Yours truly came in at number 100 (ha!) and enjoyed her 5K jaunt at a hustling walking pace 

with my dear friend, Vivian. We gabbed and gabbed and even counseled each other a bit until we crossed that finish line one second apart. ♥

My 53 minutes plus some seconds is by no means an impressive time.  But me?  Doing a 5K at ALL?  Quite impressive indeed.

Also impressive?  The goodies we were loaded up with during the event.  I noticed too late that the logo on my shirt is WAY off center. Oh well.

Guess I will just have to sign up for another 5K to snag a better souvenir shirt. :D  I just might!

1 comment:

Emily said...

WHAT fUN!!!!! I want to do a Hot Chocolate run now!