Feb 28, 2014

Looking East at The Frist

New word for the day: Japonisme! 

Today we took in the "Looking East: Western Artists and the Allure of Japan" art exhibit at The Frist Center for Visual Arts in Nashville with some homeschool buddies and it was really neat to see!  Ever the blogger, I was wishing we were allowed to take pictures inside the museum.  We stood inches from original Cassat, Monet, and Van Gogh pieces as well as other notable European and American artists and observed the influences of the Japanese ukiyo-e prints and scenes and content beside them. A docent guided our groups around the exhibit and I was surprised by all that the kids learned.  I must have had low expectations for their attention spans.  Bad Mommy!  After that, we headed upstairs for the kids to try their hands at it as well at ArtQuest. 

Anna, feeling inspired, declared that she will be an artist all her life.  No surprise there. 

She was COMMITTED to her drawing of the model, so much so that her little buddy Mallory was in tears waiting for her to finish so they could finally go paint. :}

Noah tended toward more of the constructive types of art stations - stop-motion movies, blocks, lantern making, and print making. 

Noah made the rounds in a separate group than the one I was in with Anna so I have less to say about his day. :S  Except I was told he asked the docent a lot of questions, so I THINK that is a good sign that he was paying attention. :} 

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