Feb 17, 2014

Anna, Meet Bob

On this third day of our three-day weekend, Josh escorted Noah to a Lego Movie birthday party, and I escorted our Raggedy Anna to the pediatrician to address the 3+ week old stye in her eye. We picked up a prescription for an antibiotic while there as well as her shot record that I know Union Elementary is gonna need here soon.

On the way home, we swung through a salon for a much anticipated haircut.  Anna's been tired of her easily tangled locks for awhile, but I made her wait until after the Daddy-Daughter Dance to cut it.  

So today was the perfect day to take care of this little piece of hair business since it was just us girls.  Fact - she grins like this at doctor's appointments, too.  She just adores the attention.  Too funny!

I handed the sylist this pic and asked for something like it.  In the end she thought we should try just this new length first to get used to it and make sure her hair would fall right.  If it suits, we can go back and add the layers and more angles later. Good plan, I said!

Fifteen minutes later, my girl emerged from the chair with her new bob.  It's the shortest she's ever had.  We love it!!  Don't let the raised shoulders fool you, it's actually shorter than it looks, not reaching her shoulders at all.  All day since, I keep adoring her little cream-colored neck that I can see now.

Makes her look so much more grown!  Her new bouncy 'do had her literally bouncing off the walls while I paid.  New look, new energy apparently.  She even gathered all her cut locks off the floor and ATTEMPTED TO THROW THEM IN THE AIR like confetti.  Embarrassing.  And less-than-grown-up behavior. Ha!

Anyway, coupled with her updated shot record for registration in April, we'll call this cute-yet-sleek haircut - Kindergarten Sophisticate. ♥  Now if we can just make that stye disappear!


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Ha! I can just see her throwing her hair in the air like confetti. That girl... she's one of a kind. ;-)

Kimberly said...

Emily said...

Love her haircut! It really suits her!!

Kimberly said...
