Feb 15, 2014

Valentines Stuff

This month, I tried a Pinterest idea leading up to Valentine's Day for the kids.  In little hearts on their door, I would add one thing every day that we love about them or that is true about them.  To me, it was just a cute activity, but I was amazed by how my kids DRANK IN the kind words, eagerly checking their door each morning and comparing their compliments and reading them over and over again.  I do believe we will just leave these things up for awhile.

Anna's door when all was said and done.

Noah's door by the end.

Shame on me for not taking a picture of the sweet Valentine surprises Josh picked up for all of us.  We don't put a lot of energy into the event that is Valentines Day, but Josh sure put a smile on the kids' faces with the balloons and little surprises he left out for them.  I even got some chocolates to enjoy. :)  Chocolate is always welcome here.

On the actual Valentine's Day, the kiddos and I grabbed a couple sweet surprises for Josh on our way home from a fun little Valentines Bash with a homeschool group we are a part of.  Noah and Anna had a real blast!

And we wrapped up the night with a new favorite board game.  This week, as I tried not to dwell on how annoying the forced ritual of Valentines Day is, I also couldn't help but smile deep down to know how full my heart is on a daily basis for so many little, everyday things. 

So thankful for these people and these times.  I will take my EVERY day moments over Valentine's Day fuss ANY day of the year. Blessed!


Emily said...

I did the same the thing with the hearts no the door….and my girls were the same way. Every.single.night. after the FIRST heart, they wanted to be assured there'd be a new heart no their door the next morning. It was such fun! and I wish I had taken a picture of their door too!

Only my girls…rearranged their hearts almost every morning…so they didn't stay pretty and in the place I put them…oh well. They drank in the words from Mommy and Daddy, and that's really all that matters :) I will do this again next year too.

Kimberly said...

Noah wants to know why we can't keep the hearts going after Valentine's Day. Ha! I guess I will have to find another fun way to keep pouring the kind words on thick. :}