Dec 9, 2012

Sweetie Pie Pics

Noah was sent home from school early Friday with a pounding headache and fever over 102.  So he's been grounded to the couch and the iPad and one movie or another all weekend, otherwise he'd be in some fun weekend shots of his own.

In his stead, here are some fun moments I caught of our girl from Saturday and Sunday.


Emily said...

whatintheworld / howintheworld is Anna sitting like that?! That is one flexible little girl!

Jack's been sick all weekend too. Fever and hacking up his lungs. About to take him in today for abx....after a long night of work. It's been exhausting...I AM exhausted already ... Hope Noah feels better....weird, because Brooklyn has complained of a headache or two over that last few weeks too. I wonder if they've had headaches before now, and just didn't know how to describe it?? Poor thing. I had a major headache too...caffeine withdrawal..but I"m free of it now! Yay!! Five days of terrible pounding....but I'm not coffee dependent!!

Kimberly said...

Well, he doesn't actually say headache. He said is brain is hurting. :}

I'm just waiting for the rash to start now on him. Apparently fifths disease is making the rounds at his school. He's had fever and malaise, last night and this morning started some cold symptoms. Sigh. We shall see.

Kimberly said...

Nevermind... just found the rash. :S

Emily said...

: S is right....but doesn't that mean it's on it's way out of his system too? I'm not familiar with 5ths disease.

Noah's had Sixth disease too hasn't he? The hand foot and mouth? I have seen that at work, and it just looks so PAINful...and I rememberd Noah had it....poor little guys gets all these weird diseases... : /

Kimberly said...

Ha! Yes, he did host a round of Hand Foot and Mouth and I remember because I didnt want to believe it. I so didn't wanna cancel that trip to your house. :(