Dec 14, 2012

My Morning So Far

Just taking a moment to record a sweet little snippet from the morning.  Noah, who doesn't usually offer much info about school, sat in front of his cereal, yawning, and said, "I have a big day today. I have speech.  I have library.  There's a birthday celebration.  AND I have a spelling test and an AR test.  That's a lot of things!"

Anna's only been up an hour, but already she has rearranged her new nativity set and fussed at the angels a bit because they kept falling off the roof.  By now she has stripped her pjs and donned a tutu, fairy wings, and beanie cap.  She's wearing them all as she is watching The Cat in the Hat and whispering words from the show to herself. 

I am in the middle of a devotional about becoming alive to all the many graces and blessings that stare me in the face and bombard me every day.  I think these little details are many of them.   Treasuring the little things right now and learning to watch for more of them. 


Emily said...

"heart" sweet moments :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

Can't wait to see these little ones soon. We are on the lookout for a pink tape measure.