Sep 3, 2012

Just the Most Fun Ever

These two are just the most fun thing ever!

Thank you, Lord, for our babies.  I just can't even believe how much I love them.  I can't imagine my life without them.  I hardly remember my life before them.  When they are grown and have families of their own, I will miss them so, so much.  May I never forget these sweet, sweet years we are in. What precious gifts!


Emily said...

I can see it now. Anna's gonna go for a "bad boy" on a motorcycle. She looks so natural riding on the back of one! :) hahahah. She looks so pure in this shot. Noah....just looks like a little .... dude.


Kimberly said...

My favorite thing about this pic is the movement all around them, so the focus is mostly on them. I'm pretending their faces aren't a little blurry as well, though. :S